Gordonbush Wind Farm

Gordonbush is located around 12km north west of Brora in Sutherland, Scotland.
Main construction began in late 2010 with the construction of the main site tracks ahead of turbine component deliveries which began in August 2011.
These were completed in February 2012 and the wind farm became operational in June 2012.
Gordonbush is 100% owned and operated by SSE Renewables.
Gordonbush has since been extended - you can find out more about the extension by clicking here.
Gordonbush Community Fund
Through our Gordonbush wind farm we make around £200,000 per year available for community and charitable projects. Between 2011 and 2036 we expect to invest £5.2 million in local projects.
Additional funding is committed to the regional Sustainable Development Fund. This fund opens every two years and supports transformational projects across the Highland local authority area.