Our biggest contribution to the net zero transition is through the accelerated scale-up of renewable energy generation, providing the low carbon energy needed to power decarbonised economies and removing our reliance on fossil fuels.

Our approach to tackling climate change is aligned with SDG13 – Climate Action – and the SSE Group target to cut carbon intensity by 80% by 2030. Through our Net Zero Acceleration Programme (NZAP+), we aim to increase our installed renewable energy capacity to 9GW by 2027, and over 16GW by 2032.

At the same time, we are taking action to decarbonise our own operations and supply chain – decoupling greenhouse gas emissions from business growth.

Net Zero Transition Plan

In December 2023, we published our Net Zero Transition Plan at COP28. This document sets out our shorter-term (to 2030), medium-term (to 2035) and long-term (to 2050) science-based carbon reduction targets to reduce scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our operational activities, as well as scope 3 GHG emissions in our supply chain.

The Net Zero Transition Plan also outlines the headline actions we will take to address the ’hotspots’ within our business carbon footprint. This includes action to tackle greenhouse gas emissions from the fuels and materials – such as steel and concrete – used in the construction and operation of renewable energy developments.

We will report on progress against these targets and actions via our annual sustainability reports.

Download our Net Zero Transition Plan here

Overview of Progress Against Our Net Zero Targets FY2023/24

For a full progress update on our performance against our Net Zero targets and actions please see our latest Sustainability Report.