We're ready to deliver for Ireland's net zero future
Offshore wind will form the backbone of Ireland’s national climate action ambitions. Arklow Bank Wind Park 2 can play a significant role in Ireland's plans to accelerate the delivery of 5GW of offshore wind by 2030 and will be capable of powering 850,000 homes each year*.

Thousands of jobs and massive economic boost
Arklow will be able to deliver €773 million for Ireland (€484 million across Wicklow and Wexford) over the lifetime of the project. It will also support 2,300 jobs from development and construction through to its operational lifespan. Find out more on the socio-economic benefits of the project here

Benefits for the local community
We are committed to working alongside local communities and stakeholders to make sure that the project progresses with their feedback in mind. In excess of 500,000 euro has been provided through our dedicated Sponsorship and Fisheries Funds to support a range of initiatives in communities close to our development site in Wicklow and North Wexford.
Project Details

Arklow Bank Wind Park 2 will be located on and around the Arklow Bank.
The turbines will be approximately 6 to 15 km from the shore and an operations and maintenance facility will be based at Arklow Harbour's South Dock.

The project will consist of 47-56 turbines which and will have a maximum export capacity of up to 800MW.
There will also be a maximum of two Offshore Substations Platforms (OSP).

The project will offset around 830 million kilos of harmful carbon emissions annually and will be capable of powers 850,000 homes annually*.
It will create approximately 2,300 jobs from development and construction, through to its operational lifespan.

Arklow currently has 2 out of the 3 planning consents.
In 2022 An Bord Pleanála granted permission for the onshore grid infrastructure and Wicklow County Council consented the development of an operations and maintenance facility at the South Dock in Arklow.
We are now preparing to submit our application for the offshore planning consent.

Key Dates
Arklow Bank Wind Park 2 is a project of national importance capable of contributing significantly to Ireland’s climate action target of 5GW of offshore delivered by 2030. Subject to the achievement of a Final Grid Connection agreement, securing a route to market, and planning consent for our offshore infrastructure, the project anticipates moving into construction in 2026/27 with first power anticipated in 2029. Various construction activities will be ongoing onshore and offshore over a 2–3 year period up until operation.
Proof of Claims
* 834,286 homes powered based on projected installed capacity, typical projected wind load factor of 50%, and typical annual consumption (4,200kWh). Quoted 819,936 metric tonnes of carbon emissions abated based on projected annual MWh output and latest average CO2 Emissions (0.234g/kWh) in the All-Island Single Electricity Market and published by the CRU in its Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions for 2022, November 2023.
To find out more details about Arklow Bank Wind Park 2 visit the project page here.