Project overview

Celtic Sea Array is a c1.2GW project situated off the coast of Waterford, Ireland, approximately 25km from shore.

It has been in development since 2018 and we are currently awaiting determination on a Foreshore Licence application lodged with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in 2019.

The site is situated in charted water depths of 65m – 75m.

Once operational, Celtic Sea Array could be capable of supplying clean, renewable energy to over 1.2 million homes* and offsetting over 1.2 billion kgs of harmful carbon annually.

Celtic Sea Array at a glance

Potential installed capacity
Potential homes powered
> m
Potential carbon offset (kilos)
> b

The indicative site location has been chosen following a phased site selection process that considered regional resources, physical and environmental constraints and assessed the renewable generation capacity of the area.

In addition, a preliminary shipping and navigation review was undertaken to ensure navigational risks were better understood.

These assessments and consideration have informed the position, size and shape of the proposed area to be surveyed. Once this information has been gathered, we will use it, alongside information gathered during consultation with stakeholders to further refine the site area.

All surveys conducted on the site will be used to consider the baseline environment and inform project design and alternatives along with measures for monitoring, mitigation and/or compensation.

This will be documented in an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and other relevant documents to support our application for consent.

* 1,251,429 homes powered based on projected installed capacity, typical projected wind load factor of 50%, and typical annual consumption: 4,200kWh. Quoted 1,240,416,000 kilos of carbon emissions abated based on projected annual MWh output and latest average CO2 Emissions (0.236g/kWh) in the All-Island Single Electricity Market, and published by the CRU in its Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions for 2020, October 2021.