Richfield Solar
Solar proposals
SSE Renewables is proposing to develop a c.21MWp solar PV array (solar farm) on lands near the existing 18 turbine Richfield Wind Farm in, County Wexford.
The Richfield Wind Farm has been in operation since 2006 and can power almost 18,000 homes and helps to abate almost 22,000 tonnes of harmful carbon dioxide per annum.
The Richfield Community Fund was launched in 2007 and so far around €334,000 has been presented to groups around the Wind Farm.
The proposed solar farm will be located in the townlands of Hooks and Yoletown in County Wexford.
Purpose of the development is to:
- Produce renewable solar energy.
- Maximise renewable energy output to the existing grid connection. This means
no work is required to the existing grid infrastructure.
Proposed development:
The proposed site area is 44.38ha and will comprise the following:
- Linear arrays of mounted solar panels up to 3.2m in height laid out from west to
east to optimize the solar gain from a southerly aspect - Construction of internal cable to connect the facility to the existing Richfield Wind
Farm 38kV substation - Construction of communication cable ducting to connect the facility to the
existing Richfield Wind Farm 38kV substation - The grid connection will be via the existing Richfield Wind Farm 38kV substation
- Potential upgrade works to the existing Richfield Wind Farm 38kV substation
For more information about our proposals, please see our leaflet by clicking here |
Next steps
Following public consultation, SSE Renewables intends to submit an application for planning permission to Wexford County Council in the Summer of 2023. This will be advertised and members of the public will have an opportunity to make submissions on the planning application.
If the planning application is successful SSE Renewables will plant 15% of the site area with native woodland species as per our Biodiversity Net Gain targets and also the requirements set out in the Wexford County Development Plan 2022 – 2028.
Contact us:
We are very keen to keep in contact with all members of the community and we will keep you informed as the planning application progresses. In the meantime if there are any queries or concerns please contact Vicky Boden via email, telephone or post. One-to-one meetings will be facilitated on request.
The information here will also be updated from time to time to address any frequently asked questions.
If you would like to contact us about our proposals:
Vicky Boden - [email protected], [email protected], 0818 211 500
or by post
c/o Vicky Boden, SSE Renewables, Red Oak South, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Co. Dublin, D18 W688.
^Total annual homes powered quoted based on installed capacity, typical onshore wind load factor of 32%, typical annual consumption (4,200kWh). * Quoted CO2 emissions abated based on typical annual MWh output and average CO2 Emissions in 2018 (0.291t/MWh) in the All-Island Single Electricity Market, and published by the CRU in its Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions for 2018, September 2019.