Tangy IV, is a 16-turbine redevelopment of the existing Tangy Wind Farm, situated approximately 9km northwest of Campbeltown on the west coast of the Kintyre Peninsula in Argyll & Bute.

In 2019, Tangy IV was granted consent by Scottish Ministers to construct and operate a 16 turbine Wind Farm, which will replace the existing Tangy Wind Farm.

The existing operational Tangy Wind Farm comprises two developments (Tangy I and Tangy II) delivering an installed capacity of 18.7MW. Tangy I has 15 turbines and Tangy II has 7 turbines.

Tangy IV will include removing the existing 22 turbines, some of which have been generating since 2003, and replacing them with 16 more efficient modern turbines. Taking advantage of the advances in wind turbine design and technology will maximise output from the site and could see the installed site generating capacity increase from 18.7MW potentially up to 80MW.

Number of consented turbines
Potential generating capacity up to

Tangy I & Tangy II had consent to operate until August 2022. SSE Renewables sought permission to extend the operational period to coincide with the planned end of the construction phase of Tangy IV.

A Section 42 Planning Application including Environmental Impact Assessment was therefore submitted to Argyll and Bute Council requesting an extension to the operational period. This was granted, allowing the existing wind farm to continue to generate up until the end of 2026.

Next Steps

As the development team continue to progress plans, the next steps for the project will be to complete discharge of the pre-commencement planning conditions by working with Statutory Consultees including the Argyll & Bute Council.

Important Documents

Press Releases

Section 32 Important Documents

Contact info

If you have any queries or wish to speak with the project team, please contact:

Pauline Allison - Stakeholder Engagement Manager

Email: [email protected]