The Project Partners will adopt the principles of SSE’s Sustainable Procurement Code which outlines the expectations and requirements on suppliers and contractors, and their supply chains, when undertaking work on SSE’s behalf. This goes beyond just complying with local laws and regulations and respecting internationally recognised human and labour rights. The Project Partners also expect values and standards around sustainability and fairness to be upheld by those working in its supply chain. The principles of the sustainability procurement code are aligned to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and will be implemented on ScotWind projects.

The Project Partners have a proven track record of supporting the Scottish supply chain and workforce, which will continue through the development of the Projects. The Project Partners are committed to:

  • Maximise opportunities for Scottish suppliers to secure orders
  • Work with Scottish suppliers from the Oil and Gas industry to transition into offshore wind
  • Facilitate investment in Scotland and the UK by introducing new suppliers
  • Develop the Scottish workforce of the future

"The Project Partners are committed to maximising the Project's economic benefits for Scotland. Our Supply Chain Development Statement Strategy includes practical actions already underway that will help develop Scotland's reputation as the global hub of floating offshore wind."

Brian McFarlane Project Director, SSER and Co-Chair SOWEC

Register as a supplier

If you would like to register as a supplier please contact [email protected]

To be considered for future ScotWind tender opportunities, provide further updates on the progress of the projects and advise of any external supplier events that will take place in due course, please send your name, contact details, and the scope of services that could be provided.

The Project Partners will provide regular project updates to registered suppliers and arrange supply chain project update and engagement meetings.