We’re currently constructing the 28MW Chaintrix-Bierges and Vélye Wind Farm in the northeast of France. The project has been in development for around eight years, ahead of SSE Renewables green-lighting construction in 2023. Civil works on the onshore wind project in the Department of Le Marne in the Grand Est region began in September 2023.

Chaintrix-Bierges and Vélye is our first project to enter construction outside of the UK and Ireland, and is the first project from our Southern Europe pipeline acquired last year to progress to this stage. The project will comprise the installation of eight Siemens Gamesa SG 3.4-132 turbines, each capable of producing 3.4MW of renewable energy output. The wind farm project is targeting commercial delivery at the end of 2024 and it is expected to operate for up to a 35-year lifetime.

Installed MWs
Homes powered annually
Tonnes CO2 saved annually

Turbines to be installed: Siemens Gamesa 3.4-132

Rotor diameter (meters)
Nacelle height (meters)
Blade tip height (meters)

Chaintrix-Bierges and Vélye Wind Farm will comprise 8 turbines with a maximum installed capacity of up to 28MW. The wind farm site is south-west of Chaintrix and the closest turbine is 1,100 meters from the nearest home. The wind farm is targeting delivery by late 2024. When complete, the wind farm will be capable of generating enough green energy to power 14,000 homes annually, as well as offset 27,000 metric tonnes of harmful CO2 emissions**. Delivery of the wind farm will make a small but important contribution to our goal of increasing our operational renewable capacity to more than 9GW by 2027.

Start of construction with the installation of the base camp

Delphine Henri - Head of Country, France

"From the earliest stages of thinking about this project, every step has been guided by a deep commitment to involving and informing the community, with a sincere desire for transparency and close collaboration with local residents and stakeholders. As a result, this project embodies a passionate response to environmental challenges while honouring the aspirations of stakeholders to the fullest."

Capital Investment (m€)
Peak construction jobs

€30+m capex investment will locally support 80 construction jobs at peak

Delivery of the Chaintrix-Bierges and Vélye project represents a total capital investment in excess of €30 million by SSE Renewables. This investment will help support the local economy in the Grand-Est region, with around 80 construction roles expected to be supported at peak delivery.

Balance of Plant works are being delivered by lead Contractor Omexom in partnership with Civils contractor Pothelet. Other suppliers including Vodafone, Dekra, Elys, Groupe Geotec, Quiron and Auddicé. Siemens Gamesa is wind turbine supplier.

In November 2023, SSE Renewables marked breaking ground on the Chaintrix-Bierges and Vélye Wind Farm with a ceremony attended by local elected representatives, stakeholders and supply chain partners.

** Over 14,000 homes powered claim based on projected installed capacity, typical projected wind load factor of 25.7%, and typical annual household consumption of 4,334kWh (source: Panel Usages Electrodomestiques – November 2022 de l’Ademe (Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maitrise de l’Energie) et RTE). 

** 27,000 metric tonnes of CO2 emission offset based on expected typical output of 62,407MWh per annum calculated against a 430g offset of CO2 emissions in France for each kWh of wind power generated (Source: French Ministry for Ecological Transition, May 2021)